LCD Display
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Sales price $13
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These LCD screens are used in laser tag guns and additional laser tag devices produced by LASERWAR.
LCD for laser tag tagger
- Board: length - 2.28 inches, width - 1.26 inches.
- Screen: length - 1.77 inches, width - 1.02 inches.
LCD for remote control PRO
- Board: length - 3.23 inches, width - 1.3 inches.
- Screen: length - 2.87 inches, width - 1.02 inches.
LCD for Explosive device simulator
- Board: length - 3.39 inches, width - 1.5 inches.
- Screen: length - 2.83 inches, width - 0.91 inches.
Please note that we use different screens for different equipment generations. Please ask our managers before making an order.
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