Laser tag Location imbalances
Quite often you can might face a situation when the location is not balanced and one of the game parties have the better of play. If the location is in your command, then there is no problem, and you can fix this imbalance. However, there are situations when changing location characteristics is practically impossible. For example, you cannot pick up and move a building. The way out depends on the scenario which you need to solve the problem of location imbalance for. We take it into account that for one reason or another you might not be able to rebalance teams.
So, in the Deathmatch Scenario, the imbalance of location is solved in the following ways:
- Change teams’ starting locations between the rounds;
- Forbid to play in some areas of locations for all or some of the teams.
In the Domination scenario and Deathmatch + Domination Scenario, balance can be corrected this way:
- Change teams’ starting locations between the rounds;
- Forbid to play in some areas of locations for all or some of the teams;
- Shift the Domination point closer to one of the teams or closer to the shelter of some team.
In the Assault scenario, you can do the following:
- Shift the Domination point within the defense zone for either facilitating for or making it more difficult to capture;
- Forbid the defensive team to get out of the limits of the target object (for example, to leave the building they defend);
- Make the defensive team start from the Domination point (i.e., without the possibility to take a defensive position in advance, prior to the start of the round);
- Decrease or increase the hit points multiplier for the defensive team;
- Shift the respawn device location closer or farther away from the target object;
In the Bases or Flags scenarios, you can correct the location imbalance with the following methods:
- Shift the Domination points within the defended objects, to make it easier or harder to capture them;
- Forbid certain teams to visit some location zones;
- Shift each team’s respawn devices closer or farther away from the team base.