The benefits of electronic biathlon training equipment packages are obvious:

Safety.  Reduces the age limit for biathlon training.

Сost effectiveness.  No need to spend on biathlon cartridges during shooting range training.

High user-friendliness.  The shooting process is visualized. The biathlon rifle has 10 parameters, which can be adjusted directly on the field, has a special adjustment algorithm of adjusting fire for fast aiming with a visible spectrum laser emitter.

Training authenticity.  Electronic rifles are authentic replicas of sporting rifles and reproduce their technical characteristics. They have the same weight and feel when fired at  50 meters distance. The dot on the biathlon target is the same size as a real biathlon bullet.

Reliability. The unique biathlon target system is completely self-contained and will operate for at least 12 hours in negative temperatures.

The laser rifle is turned on by pressing a button on the front of the weapon. It takes no more than two seconds to switch on, which corresponds to the biathlete’s preparation time in the shooting phase. The rifle has a digital sound that can be turned off.  The rifle is powered by a lithium-ion battery and is charged via a mini-USB connector.

The Electronic Target System is constructed of a lightweight, durable, and moisture-resistant aluminum-based composite material. The overlay panel allows the diameter of the target to be reduced to meet standing and prone standards. The target is also rechargeable via mini-USB.

The authentic appearance of this electronic biathlon shooting range system allows it to be used for training athletes of all ages without any problems. The range system can be used in specialized sports departments, schools, parks, and so on.

Electronic biathlon sets

Sales price: $1,078
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Sales price: $2,978
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Sales price: $108
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