MedKit game device (plastic)

Laser Tag MedKit (Respawn Device)
With shipment We will calculate delivery cost after confirming the list of items for $0
Sales price $143
Price / kg:
17 oz (480 g)
7.3x4.5x2.5 in. (18.5x11.5x6.5 c)
36 Hours
Li (2,2 Ah; 7.4V)
Smart Li + (purchased separately)

The medkit is one of the most popular and frequently used devices at any laser tag game.

It is with this device, players can ‘heal’ themselves up before going into battle. This device simultaneously revives the players and replenish their ammunition.


Laser Tag MedKit (Respawn device, reload device)



The medkit feature a bright looks and a plastic case with special eye rings that allow operators to attach it to any object (tree, wall, and so on) with ordinary self-tapping screws or nails.

A big bright button located in the middle of this respawning device will not leave any questions about what the player has to do in order to be revived. "Just press me!"



 Such a button will withstand a large number of violent clicks in the heat of battle, and a sufficiently powerful 2.200 mAh battery will allow opertator to use the device for up to 36 hours without recharging.

Weight is not the most important thing for a device that usually lies on the ground (or is attached to a wall), but we tried to make it light enough still. This respawn device kit weighs only 1 lb (480 g).

Two wide-angle infrared emitters located on the sides of the top cover of the device guarantee the respawn of all players within a radius of 9 feet (3 meters) from the device.


Laser tag respawn device


How to use

What can be said about using such a simple device: just walk up to it and press the big red button!

If you buy a commercial set, we recommend you have at least two of these units, one for each team.


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