This scenario is similar to the domination scenario, but differs in that the opposing teams must not just shoot at the Digital Flag once to capture it, but completely destroy it by shooting it multiple times, depending on the preset Device health points.
Starting stage
The digital flag is set in the middle of the location and is colored in a neutral color, the opposing teams are located on the opposite sides of the location.
Game idea
To destroy the Digital Flag (Outpost) located in the middle, then guard it and prevent the enemy team from destroying it.
The opposing teams are fighting for Outpost installed in the middle of the location, which must be destroyed first, and then guarded and not allowed to be destroyed by the opposite team within given time. At the same time, the Outpost can respawn the players of the team that owns it (keeps it destroyed) at the given moment.
The team, that holds the Outpost longer than the others, wins.
Settings Tips (For X-gen and Alphatag)
The same as for the Domination scenario
This scenario can also be complicated like the previous one if you use Smart Medkit instead of regular Respawn device, in which you can limit the number of updates per team to a certain number, or make automatic updates at regular intervals. The scenario is also complicated by using more than one Digital Flag Device as an Outpost.
You can also make this scenario much more difficult if you play it without respawn devices at all, because all wounded players will have to take risks and be close to the Outpost to be healed.
Equipment needed
1 or more Digital Flags as outposts, 2 Medkits (or Smart medkits)