Laser tag shooting range

Laser tag shooting range package
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Sales price $1,072
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The laser tag shooting range package consist of 4 Smart RGB Targets and one Hornet Pistol with 9th generation electronics and parallax optics. Special firmware for the Pistol allows the player to use it without any hit sensor devices like vest or a headset. New RGB target has an interactive shooting range option that allows to set a random activation of a target for a short time interval during which the shooter can hit it.

The sound level, brightness and type of illumination of laser tag shooting range targets can be set using the smart remote nano or universal remote control, which can be ordered as an option. Targets have: - 20 bright LEDs for hit indication - lithium battery - display showing the number of hits, weapon damage, and player ID.

See full description of arcade laser tag shooting gallery mode here.

Note. Smart Li + charger and remote controls for this electronic shooting range package are additional options.


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