Picatinny plate for AK receiver cover

Picatinny plate for AK receiver cover
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Plate with Picatinny rail for AK rifles receiver covers.

One of the major drawbacks of laser tag taggers based on classic AK rifles (especially in the steel series) is that installing collimator or optical sights on most of them is only possible by installing a side mount, which often interferes with folding the rifle stock. Therefore, users typically installed a dovetail mount for the adapter, changed the cover plate of the receiver, or attached a Picatinny rail to it.

We offer laser tag players a reliable solution to this problem - a cover plate that can be attached to the top of the receiver with an existing Picatinny rail, onto which any collimator or optical sight can be mounted.

AK Picatinny receiver cover step2

Note that this plate is not intended for taggers that belong to the Practical or Elite series and are made from airsoft gun bodies.

To install the new cover plate on the receiver, you must first remove the AK front sight, which is installed by default.

 AK Picatinny receiver cover installation  step one


Then attach the cover plate to the front until it clicks.

AK Picatinny receiver cover mounting step two


 Finally, fix the rear part of the cover on the latch used by the receiver cover.

AK Picatinny receiver cover fixing step 3

The new plate has the following advantages:

  1. It has its own non-adjustable sight.
  2. It allows mounting any optical or collimator sights, night vision sights, and thermal scopes on the Picatinny rail.
  3. It allows the AK stock to fold to the side.
  4. It does not change the structural features of the tagger and allows you to return everything to its original state by performing all the operations in reverse order.



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