9A-91 «BULAT» Practical series

ussr realistic laser tag gun
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Electronics Generation
Optical system


3.5 lb (1.6 kg)
LENGTH (folded /extended buttstock)
22 in (56.5 cm) 
492 ft (150 meters)
Up to 30 hours.
Li+ (3 Ah; 7.4V)
Li+ (8.4V; 1000 mA) (additional option)


There are many laser tag guns, which are copies of those developed in the latter days of the USSR, and intended for special forces units, intelligence and the KGB, in our arsenal. Such versatile rifles are models created on the basis of VSS Vintorez (SR-3, SR-3M, AS VAL, VSK-94). All these are the most compact laser tag guns, which are suitable for both adults and children.

9a91 ussr realistic laser tagger

Being one of the smallest assault rifles in the world, this tagger is only 22.2 inches (56.5 cm) long. The body of this 9A-91 laser tag gun is completely made of gun-grade steel coated with a special blackening varnish. The only plastic parts are the pistol grip and the handguard.
Since this laser tag gun is recommended for rental use in the laser tag business, we made it possible to turn on the tagger with a special lock so that the tagger can only be turned on by the game operator / laser tag equipment owner. This lock is mounted on the front of the magazine. The charging socket is installed on the receiver on the left near the pistol grip attachment point.

USSR realistic laser tag tag tagger

Reloading is performed by pulling the charging handle like with the real-life counterpart.
The gun has a special laser tag optics built into the muzzle of the weapon, with a range of up to 1000 feet (300 meters).
A very capacious 3Ah battery is installed even in standard trim of this tagger. It will allow the owner to play up to 36 hours without further charge. This time will be less with constant tracking of online statistics via Wi-Fi or with constant use of gun vibration feedback.

The optional sights of this gun are standardized with the AK family, so they are installed the same way, and you will need a special dovetail adapter, which is attached to the left side of the receiver. It will then be possible to put any optical or collimator sights on it.


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