VSK Edelweis Original series

VSK Russian SWAT Lasertag sniper rifle
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Sales price $716
Price / kg:
Electronics Generation
Optical system


7 lb (3.3 kg)
38 in (92 cm) 
574 ft (175 meters)
Up to 30 hours.
Li+ (2.6 Ah; 7.4V)
Li+ (8,4V; 1000 mA) (additional option)


The VSK-94 or Military Sniper Complex was developed in 1994 in Russia based on the 9A-91 assault rifle. This compact, silent, and flameless sniper rifle was designed for use in special operations at short distances, mainly in urban environments, as an alternative to the VSS Vintorez. The rifle differs from the 9A-91 in that it has a detachable suppressor and a plastic buttstock. Its reliability is considered to be the same as that of Kalashnikov rifles.

vsk94 laser tag sniper rifle left side

This laser tag sniper rifle is made entirely of metal, with only the plastic handguard and rubber pad on the buttstock being non-metallic parts. That's why the weight of the tagger is quite heavy (7.2 lbs or 3.3 kilograms) compared to its size (36.2 inches or 92 centimeters).

vsk94 laser tag sniper rifle

By fully integrating the electronics into such a small body, Laserwar developers were able to achieve maximum authenticity and realism of this rifle. This means that turning the fire selector lever located on the right side of the barrel box to the combat position activates the laser tag gun, reloading is done on the charging handle, and the laser tag optics are integrated directly into the sniper rifle suppressor.

vsk94 laser tag sniper no sight

The laser tag sniper rifle's magazine is non-removable and houses a powerful speaker whose volume is increased by additional holes in the magazine. It also contains the battery compartment with a capacity of 2.2 ampere-hours in the basic version, which is enough for a sniper to play for 36 hours.

On the left side of the receiver is a dovetail mount that allows the owner to attach a side adapter for any telescopic or collimator sight.

The effective range of the standard Prism optics is up to 820 feet (250 meters). When the optional Parallax optics are installed, the range increases to 1,300 feet (400 meters).



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