6. Laser tag devices and their functionality


Devices that can be used as Domination points


The digital flag is the device that has 7 built-in scenarios and can be connected to X-gen and Alphatag software and affect players' scoring 

1. Capture the flag scenario (video)
2. Arsenal scenario (video)
3. Confrontation scenario (video)
4. Military base scenario (video)
5. Hospital scenario (video)
6. Outpost scenario (video)
7. Flag control scenario (video)

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Domination point is a simple device that just counts the time of holding for each team and shows when some amount of time is reached by one of the teams. Thus, this device can be used in most popular scenarios like Deathmatch domination, Domination, Assault, and Bases

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The smart control point is similar to the domination point but it has 3 built-in scenarios 

1. Capture the checkpoint (domination). Works as a classic domination scenario.   
2. Battlefield Point
3. Command Center. Works as a base that should be captured by the enemy team. 

The smart control point can heal the players of your team and send negative impulses to the opponent team players.

To configure it the manager needs a USB base or Smart remote pro.  The settings can be changed using a sequence of button presses.

Universal point is the smallest and the less expensive device from this line but it has no classic scenario with the summation of the holding time by each team. It has 3 built-in scenarios 

1. Sends preset command in a loop. For example healing or respawning command. 
2. Works as a base that can be destroyed by preset number or shots 
3. Works and control point, but the criteria of the winning team differs from the classic scenario. The team that holds it for a preset period of time without interruption wins. 

To configure it the manager needs a USB base or Smart remote pro. 

Timepoint has 4 built-in scenarios and works as a standalone device that is not connected to X-gen or Alphatag software. It does not affect players scoring. 

1. Assault. One team defends the point another team attacks it. The point has a predetermined number of lives. 
2. Time tug-of-war. Two teams are fighting for the time. When a team shoots the point it takes the time of the opposite team. The team that took all opposite team time won. 
3. War of the worlds. The scenario is similar to classic domination. The distinction is that the winner is the team that held the point longer than others during the fixed round time.  
4.  Evacuation. A predetermined number of different players of the same team should capture the point one by one. So the team that was the first to do it won.

The settings can be changed using a sequence of button presses.

 Command post has 3 built-in scenarios 

1. In the Basic MedKit scenario it works as a team base and can respawn the players by pressing the button or automatically in a loop. It has a preset number of strength points and can be destroyed by the enemy team.  
2. In Capture the base scenario it works as a domination point scenario device, but it has additional parameters. For example, the game manager can set the number of shots needed to capture the devices and it can emit negative impulses making it harder to defend the device near it. 
3. In a Confrontation scenario it works as a team base that can respawn only one team player. The number of shots needed to destroy it by opposite team players can be set by software. It also can have a self-healing mode if the base was destroyed.  
To configure it the manager needs a USB base or Smart remote pro. 

The smart battle base has 3 built-in scenarios but can be used for many purposes

1. In the Support base scenario it can belong to some team or be neutral and works as a destroyable team base. It can send 9 different impulses by pressing a button on a loop (Respawn, Heal, Ammo, Firerate, Double health, stun the player, Disarm, Radiation, Turn into a Zombie. It can be destroyed by the enemy team. Strength points and self-regeneration time can be preset. 
2. In the Checkpoint scenario it also works as a team base but recapturable one. But capturing process has additional options, for example, holding team players can break up enemy team capturing by shooting within some period after enemy team player. The smart battle base does not calculate the time of capturing. It just gives advantages to the team that holds it.  
3. In the bomb scenario it can be used as in the classic CounterStike game. One team should arm it, another should disarm during the round time.  It can send different impulses, blow out players, harm players or turn them into Zombies. 

Note that turning into a Zombie works only for 8-9th generations. 


Devices that can be used as respawn device


Simple respawn device activated by pressing a button 

Respawn device that can activate any preset command including respawn command by pressing a button or in a loop. This device can be destroyed by the enemy team. 

Can respawn players in support base mode. 

Works as a medkit in In the Basic MedKit mode 

Can send any preset command (including respawn command in a loop)

Manager devices 


The most recommended device for each package. Smart remote pro has all commands for configuring game sets.  

Has 8 preset most used commands. The manager can change the list of commands from a USB base or a Smart remote pro. 

Hase a set of commands that cannot be changed (Team Color, Pause, Kill Player, Friendly fire, Shot Power, Clear Statistics, New game, Delayed Start, Respawn, x2 Health).

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